There is no Good or Bad in the eyes of experience. There must be contrast in order to transcend one state of consciousness to another.

Ever since Tamara showed up I have been sleeping very deeply and having some very intense dreams. It seems like most of the dreams are all about processing repressed emotions. The night before I dreamed about all the men in my life that I have had issues with in one form or another.

Then last night I dreamed about some of the women I’ve had issues with. And last nights dream ended after a confrontation with my mother and her twin sister. I sat up in bed this morning and yelled out loud, “I’m glad you’re both dead! You were nothing but a couple of selfish bitches!”

I was shocked at my own words. I stopped to look around me to make sure I was awake, and I noticed how angry and agitated I was. I was definitely uncomfortable with what I had just openly announced even though I was the only one that heard it… or was I?  I was more than uncomfortable… I was embarrassed and I was deeply troubled by this. Where the hell did that come from?

I rolled over and reached for the phone to call my sister. I told her what happened and we talked about it for a while. My mother and I definitely had issues between us, and I was always unhappy with her very unconscious ways of dealing with everything including me. But when I found out she was dying, that all went out the window. I didn’t care about any of it. I just wanted more time with her. But obviously there were issues that clung to me like tiny pockets of negative energy that had never been dissolved.

I felt better after talking to my sister and knowing that I was loved and not begin judged. I apologized to my mother if she was present. I let her know that no matter what unresolved baggage or emotions I had still been carrying that the important thing was that I loved her and nothing would change that.

I rolled over on my side and put my arm around one of my pillows, and began to drift back to sleep. I felt Tamara’s presence… listening and watching.

I know you’re there, did you want to say something?

I was just making an observation for myself really.

And what was that?

How strange it is to see the way humans struggle for connection to other humans. And how lost and alone you can feel until you make contact and receive the physical and emotional validation through another’s words or actions. Even when you are in close proximity to one another you still feel alone until you are validated in some way.

I suppose that’s true….. but that’s just the way people are. We all want to be loved and we all want to be validated.

But Why?

I don’t know. Because that’s the way we are. You have something to add?

Yes… You place too much importance on what other’s think.

Me personally?

Yes… but I meant humans in general.

Are you here to teach me?

No, not really. I’m only here to exchange and to share, but take it for what it’s worth to you. If our exchange answers questions for you and brings you clarity then this is only an outcome of what we share, but my intent is not to teach you.

So what about you… you have no need to be validated by others.

No… Not in the same way you do. I am who I am and I am content with this because every other being is who they are as well, so in that manner we are all the same and since there is no difference in sameness, why would I need validation?

You’re hurting my brain.

You made me smile.

I’m glad that my pain of confusion is amusing to you… I’m being

sarcastic, Tamara.

I understand… It’s an anomaly.

An anomaly to you, not to me.

Yes, I understand. Perhaps I can explain this with more clarity… in my understanding of universal awareness, all experience is valid, and I know you know this. So if all experience is valid and equal, then the experience you are having is not separate from the experience of others even if their personal experience is different from yours.

When you say that all experience is valid, what do you mean by this, valid to what?

It is valid to the overall experience and process of your soul’s journey… to the soul’s consciousness, which is the higher self, and this feeds back into the collective consciousness…  This is why the soul’s energy (consciousness) is constantly shifting and changing shape in order to gain more experience. This is the reason that souls incarnate over and over. We are all on an experiential journey and whether one journey is the same as another’s or not, makes no difference – the journey of experience is what we all share - Being conscious energy is our commonality.

You don’t need validation to be what you are, you are what you are with or without validation. Validation from another will not change this, so what is the point in being validated by another being’s perception. Every being has their own personal perception of any given situation, which in itself will limit how they see you and everything else, therefore no one else can ever truly validate you. Only you can validate yourself. And when you understand this and see it for what it is, then you are content with the concept that you are ‘one’ with everything, and your individual uniqueness or sameness is already validated.

So all experience is valid whether it is good or bad?

There is no ‘good or bad’ in the eyes of experience – that is a concept that humans and other beings have developed out of the visceral experience as compassionate beings with deeply felt emotions. The more you open your heart, your emotional compass will guide you towards seeking lighter heartfelt vibrations as opposed to lower more dense vibrations because they feel better and your internal compass knows instinctually which of those vibrations is in alignment with connecting to the universal light energy, which is love.

The concept of Good vs Bad is an extension or projection of feeling lighter higher vibrations as opposed to lower denser vibrations. And if all experience is valid, then higher lighter vibrational feelings are no more valid than lower heavier vibrational feelings.

There must be contrast in order to have experience. There must be contrast in order to create change and transcend from one state of consciousness to another. So in the eyes of experience, which is the pulse of universal expansion, all experience is valid because it all serves an equal purpose in creating contrast which is the motivating factor in any form of ascension or conscious evolution.

Speaking of conscious evolution… I was also observing during your conversation with your sister how dependent humans are on your technology devices for communication and connection. As you evolve consciously and expand your awareness, you will realize that these devices are not necessary.

On a time line reality, you and I are in different physical locations separated by great distance and different dimensions. Yet we are communicating as clearly or close to it as if we were talking on the phone or in person.

You can connect to any energetic source through consciousness. There are no limits on this and there are no restrictions to distance or dimension. Once you align yourself to the vibration of the other energy source your connection to it can be crystal clear.

Well… I certainly can’t debate that one. And I will consider all you have said

on the issue of personal validation. But honestly Tamara… as easily it is for us to communicate being so far apart in the physical…. I would rather be talking to you in person, to see your face and your gestures, to be close to you physically and experience you up close and personal.

I understand… it would be my desire as well. There is always the dream state.

Do you dream?

Of course.

Then we will meet when we meet… perhaps soon?

I look forward to it.

October 26, 2010



Empowering The Human Experience


Conversations With Tamara

My Conversations With A Galactic Being

By Gil Alan

Conversations With Tamara

October 2010

November 2010

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