Everything was hitting me all at once. The simple beauty and truth of this small but potent revelation, combined with my already churning emotions, was so intense I almost could not contain it all.

Today I had a client come over to do some work. It turned out that one of his guides was Alien, which meant he was Alien in another life. We explored this life a bit and found some interesting facts. I was pretty drained after the session and took a little nap.

When I awoke, I decided to just chill out and watch a movie… A new Netflix film had arrived the day before. I opened the little red envelope to find a film called, “Remember Me”. I didn’t remember ordering the film and thought it was a romantic comedy. Boy was I off. The film was a love story surrounded by a web of emotional baggage and family trauma. But it wasn’t a heavy downer, just a very honest and candid look at life and the emotional attachments we have to the people we love and the events that surround us.

As I settled in to the film I was actually pleasantly surprised at how good it was. But it wasn’t long before I had gotten wrapped up in the characters and their issues, which began stirring my own emotions and connections to the people in my own life. Images began flashing before me of scenes and segments from my own life story – mostly the regrets of unfinished business and all the unanswered questions of my life choices.

The end of the film took my completely by surprise. It was haunting in it’s finality, and a daunting profound statement on the importance of the connections we form with others. At that moment my mind shifted to Francisco, and I began challenging my own choices and the outcome of every choice. It happened within seconds, as if I was able to see everything at once… not exactly, but close to it. The feelings of regret and the unknown were overwhelming. The tears began flooding and I was lost in the sea of my own emotion.

I could feel Tamara hovering about and she seemed troubled. I asked her why she would ever want to put herself through this emotional roller coaster of riding my personal emotional energy, which was now tearing me apart. She didn’t answer me directly, but in her silence the light went on, and almost instantly I understood. I said, “You’re preparing. That’s why you’re doing this…. You’re coming here, aren’t you?

She responded with a simple, “Yes.” Then she added, “We’re preparing each other. I will be incarnating into human form for the very first time, and you will be returning to my planet if you still choose to do so as per your contract.”

Everything was hitting me all at once. The simple truth and beauty of this small but potent revelation combined with my already churning emotions was so intense I almost could not contain it all. Tamara asked if she could hold me. She said she could ease the pain. I didn’t know what to expect or what she was going to do, but I trusted her and told her to go ahead. I felt her place her hands on my face as if she were holding a cantaloupe in her hands. Her skin was thick but it was soft and warm, not cold and slimy as I would have expected. Almost immediately I felt a subtle rush of warm energy flow through my body, it felt good. But I was still crying.

She instructed me to lay down, so I got up and laid on my bed facing up. Her hands were still holding my face. She asked my to think about the moon. I thought this was a ridiculous request and asked why? Oddly enough it was a full moon that night. Tamara said that the moon possessed magical energy, that within its beauty and silence, there was transformation. I tried to think about the moon but I was too upset. She told me to relax and look into her eyes. As I looked into her large dark eyes they began to reflect the image of the moon. She was right….. it was beautiful. She told me to just relax and let her guide me.

At first it seemed as though we were traveling through galaxies, and then suddenly things shifted and we were in a dark quiet space. It was still and we were suspended in time and space. I didn’t speak a word and neither did she. I had no thoughts or particular emotions… I just was.

I have no idea how long this lasted… maybe moments, maybe minutes, I don’t really know. But I was calm and relaxed. When I actually realized I was no longer upset, Tamara was gone. I didn’t question it or ask how… I just let it be.

October 23, 2010



Empowering The Human Experience


Conversations With Tamara

My Conversations With A Galactic Being

By Gil Alan

Conversations With Tamara

October 2010

November 2010

October 23, 2010

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