Suddenly I could see her in my minds’s eye. She was now experiencing my feelings and my emotional release seemed to knock her off kilter. She appeared to be losing her equilibrium.

Today as I began my meditation, I experienced some emotions rising to the surface which I attempted to hold down because I wanted to experience a quiet and tranquil meditation and wasn’t in the mood to go through any emotional cleansing. But my guides quickly interceded and asked me to not block the emotions, to let them out and experience them. They wanted me to open my heart and to cleanse my heart chakra by letting the emotion out and releasing it. So I did…. And boy did it come out.

At first I began feeling the emotion, which quickly led to tears, and within seconds I was crying so hard that the tears were flooding out of my eyes. I had no control over it. I was crying so hard I thought my contact lenses were going to be washed right out of my eyes.

As this continued, I felt Tamara’s presence. I became very aware of our connection and could feel the link between us as she had somehow synced up to my emotions. Suddenly I could see her in my mind’s eye. She was experiencing my feelings and my emotional release seemed to knock her of kilter. Her eyes became hazy and unfocused; she looked dizzy and appeared to be losing her equilibrium. She was in shock. And within moments I felt her disconnect from me.

I stuck with it and allowed the emotions to come up and release for about 15 minutes until I began to settle back down to normal. At that point I continued on with the meditation for about another 15 minutes. Later that night  I talked to Tamara and we had a little conversation concerning the earlier event of that afternoon.

I’m here Tamara are you?


So this afternoon was quite interesting….. I was taken by surprise by our

connection I didn’t know I would experience you while you were experiencing me through the connection you synced up to me.

Actually , I didn’t know that would happen either, Gil

When I was experiencing my emotional release, can you explain what it felt like for you, what you were going through?

This is hard to put into words because some of the feelings that I experienced through you are new sensations to me and its difficult to describe something you have never experienced, but as you began your meditation I observed you starting to cry and I could feel a certain depth of sadness and a wave of emotion coming over you, I felt you attempt to hold it back, until your guides stepped in and advised you to let it go, telling you to open your heart and cleanse the heart chakra. As you let it come through… it was like a jolt of electricity, but more like a wave of emotional electricity, like current or frequency that was charged with feeling that was personalized only to you because I couldn’t not understand it, it belonged to you, it was coded with your personal energy. Stamped and attached to personal memories and events that were coming in from both your conscious and subconscious mind simultaneously.

But then when you connected to your feelings for your Francisco and you let it all out, it was much more than I expected. It knocked me off balance. It’s very difficult to describe. It was like a tsunami but striking from the inside. I could not contain it within me and it was debilitating. I could not find my center for several minutes. It was like being injected with a drug that was designed to give you multiple effects all at once and hits you like an internal explosion. It was more than I could handle.

I was warned that this type of exchange we have created could actually make me quite ill, so I have taken precautions to have a team of others assist me in this and they were watching over me at the time. I actually had to disconnect from you for a while and have an energy rebalancing and cleansing performed on me as I was too disoriented to do this myself.

I’m laughing right now… I’m sorry, I don’t mean to make light of the situation or your experience… but maybe now you have some idea why us humans are so screwed up!

Oh… I have so much more respect for all of you now more then ever. It’s one thing to watch this happening to someone, it’s a completely different event to go through it and feel the actual effects of this inside of me the same way you felt it. And given that these are very foreign feelings and vibrations for me, I was not prepared for what happened, I had no idea how to adjust or how to handle these feelings. I’m still processing through it to a certain degree as we speak.

And you still want to continue this work?

Yes…… more than ever now. This is so important. There have been others from my planet who have done this type of work before, but never at this level, but this is all new for me – and of course it is a different experience for each one of us that enters into this type of exchange because every person we connect with is experiencing a different set of life circumstances and each one of you processes your emotions in a different way. You are a deeply emotional being and you feel and process on a very deep and profound level. I am glad I chose to work with you, I just was not prepared for what I experienced today. But now that I understand the depth of your emotional range, I will be better prepared the next time around.

I now understand why so many other galactic species have not been programmed with this genetic frequency of emotional range – the universe would be in complete chaos!!!

Haha…. I think you just made a joke. Do you have jokes?

Not really  - not the way you do. We find some things strange when they do not fit in to the rational of what we perceive as normal or standard thinking and we look upon this as a sort of anomaly – which we perceive as…… well, what you would call amusing or quirky. But we do not have actual jokes or laugh-out-loud at things. You’re listening to that song again…..

Yes, I like it very much – it feels like our energy connector.

In some ways it is. I like it also.

Ok so let me ask you this…… yesterday you said I would not be able to

connect to you in the same way you will be connecting to me, yet today

I actually felt you while you were experiencing my emotions and I felt you

getting dizzy and saw that you were losing your balance  - so how

was that possible?

I’m not completely sure I can explain that – It seems as if our connection is stronger than I expected it would be. You are quite sensitive to energy and it appears you are going to pick up on me as well some of the time. It’s possible that your experience of releasing emotions to the degree you did opened up a frequency that tied us together energetically… the same way identical human twins can often feel each other’s physical sensations at times when there are deep emotions processing. We will have to see if that happens again. Was this unpleasant for you?

No not at all – it was just more of an awareness for me, but not uncomfortable in any way. I was still going through everything I experienced fully on my own, but I was also aware of what you were experiencing…. But it didn’t last that long. I disconnected from it, or 

maybe that was when you disconnected from me. Either way it was quite

an interesting afternoon!

Yes, it was very interesting.

So are you going to be connected to me all the time, or will there be

periods where you are not connected?

I will be connected to you most of the time – almost always. There will most likely be some periods were it is necessary for me to disconnect when I need to be rebalanced and cleansed, but it will be almost an omni-present connection. Even when you are sleeping…

If we only did this on and off when you were aware of it the effect wouldn’t be the same. I need to experience you on a constant basis in order to experience all the ups and downs of what you are going through. I need to experience the complexities and subtleties as well in order to make the connection of how thoughts and emotions work together – so I need to be continuously connected to experience the subtleties as if they were rivers and streams with their own currents and under currents and experience how they shift and move and make their way into the ocean of emotion….

You rhymed! ;)


I want to talk more but I’m tired I need to relax and then go to sleep

– I have a client tomorrow…..

OK….. I will be here. I enjoyed our first day together…

Me too! Oh by the way…. What did you think of Reeses peanut butter cups?

I could sense you like them quite well… it is a euphoric sensation for you.

LOL… yes you could say that. Until later Tamara…….

October 22, 2010

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Empowering The Human Experience


Conversations With Tamara

My Conversations With A Galactic Being

By Gil Alan

Conversations With Tamara

October 2010

November 2010

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