The ‘Ultimate You’ shines brighter and bolder than any other version - your energetic vibration is  stunning and infectious and you are living

your life to the fullest!

Prior to entering each lifetime, every soul goes through a planning stage where you are assisted by other spirits in figuring out what you need to experience next and the best possible way to achieve it for soul growth. One of the options available to you is experiencing alternative versions of yourself.

Here’s how it works: Each soul decides how many alternative versions they wish to experience. Some may choose 3 versions, others may choose 20 or more. Each one of these versions of you plays out in a parallel dimension with each dimension being stacked one above the other but virtually sharing the same space.

In each of these versions you are still you - you are born to the same parents and have the same human and spiritual DNA. But that is where the similarities end. From that point on, everything is free game.

In each of these versions your life will alter as different choices are being made. Your parents may make different choices early on that affect your life circumstances propelling you into a whole different set of circumstances and altering your emotional behavioral patterns. So although you are still you... your emotional make-up will most likely be different in some way which will lead you to make very different choices - And every choice you make in each of these alternative versions of yourself will lead to a different outcome in that life you are living.

What’s The Benefit Of Quantum Jumping?

Within the full spectrum of all your alternative versions, there is one version of yourself that is living a life of abundance and fulfillment to a higher degree than all the other versions. This is the Ultimate You - the version of yourself that has broken free from most of the unnecessary baggage, negativity, and self esteem issues that the other versions of yourself are still carrying around. The Ultimate You shines brighter and bolder than any other version - your energetic vibration is stunning and infectious, and you are living your life to the fullest!

The life you are currently conscious of in this dimension of reality is generally positioned somewhere between your lowest version and your highest version of selves within the total number of your alternative versions playing out. The positioning of where you are currently is determined on your level of vibration - the lower your vibration, the lower you are in positioning, the higher your vibration, the higher you are in positioning.

Visiting the ‘Ultimate You’ in the highest alternative version of yourself has enormous benefits to your current reality. Through quantum jumping you can actually enter the reality of your highest version and experience everything your alternative self is experiencing there. This will open a whole new window of opportunity and infinite possibility as you gain higher creativity, knowledge, wisdom, and inspiration.

You can also visit any of your other alternative versions of yourself to gain greater insight to the bigger picture and to learn things your other versions may have already learned or even mastered - but it is within the highest version, the Ultimate You, that you will find the greatest benefit because this version of yourself has the highest energetic vibration and every time you visit this version, you will be infused with a little more of that vibration which you return with, and this will ultimately help to raise your current vibration. You will feel the difference right away!

The possibilities through Quantum Jumping are infinite! However I highly recommend that you experience a Meet Your Guides session before venturing into Quantum Jumping. Connecting to your guides prior to Quantum Jumping will facilitate your connection and your ability to move more freely between dimensions. It also helps to have direct connection to your guides when Quantum Jumping  so they can answer questions and help you put some of the puzzle pieces together.

I do try and provide a mini Quantum Jump in the Private Session session if time allows - To find out more about what you can experience in a Private Session, just click on this link to read about it: What You Experience In Private Session

You reach a high vibrational level when you are whole, healthy,

and fulfilling you potential. This is the Ultimate You!

The Ultimate You - Quantum Jumping

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