When you have CLARITY the vision is simple, your direction is obvious, and the actions necessary for transformation appear in plain sight. CLARITY eliminates all doubt and confusion.

No matter what area of your life you are seeking transformation in, CLARITY gives you the certainty to feel secure in your choices and to trust the decisions you need to make.

Clarity will transform your fear of the unknown into your greatest asset for change, empowering you with the confidence and precise guidance you need to take action.

Copyright  Gil Alan - All Rights Reserved





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Need Help?

with Gil Alan

1 Hour Private Session

1 Hour Journey Of Discovery with Gil Alan

Clarity is to see and know through the eyes of truth.

Empowering The Human Experience



There is nothing more empowering than the absolute clarity of your own unique truth.

Private Session

I don’t like to beat around the bush, that’s just not my style. I like clear answers and detail and I know how to achieve it and how to guide you there. In your session this is what we’ll do...

Fast results is what you can expect from

this special 1 hour session with me!

  1. You will come into your session with one major challenge or situation you need clarity and direction on.

  1. I will examine this challenge with my guides and yours to get super clear guidance on the most critical and essential steps you must take in order to transform your challenge into the new reality you are seeking to create.

  1. Then you will take action on the guidance our guides have given and you will begin to see a transformation unfold - that’s it!

Here’s How It Works...

After you sign-up we will contact you within 48 hours to schedule an appointment for your Private 1 Hour Session.

Your session will be conducted through an internet conference call. You can use your cell phone, computer or tablet for the call.

Our 1-hour call together will be recorded and you will be emailed a link to download the recording after your session.

If you have any questions please email us at support@gilalan.com

When you are clear on your vision, purpose, and goals... and the essential steps you must take in order to align vibrationally to the new reality you are seeking to create...

Everything is Possible!

Absolute CLARITY is exactly what you need when you are facing a challenge. And you can easily achieve CLARITY in any area of your life you are seeking to transform.

It doesn’t take magic or years of searching, it’s all about knowing where to look and asking the right questions - and this is what I will do for you.

Together we will find the answers you need.

  1. Business & Career

  2. Financial Flow

  3. Relationships 

  4. Health & Vitality

  5. Creative Development

  6. Spiritual Expansion


Get Clear...

And Get Going!

What can I expect from my experience... What exactly will we do in our session together that will lead me into Clarity?

And yes... it truly is that simple!

When you know the right questions to ask

and where to focus you get - CLARITY!

You are a master at creating your own reality and you have been doing so throughout eternity, but sometimes even a master needs a little CLARITY to shine a brighter light upon the path.


Whether you are facing a major or minor challenge, or simply want to confirm your own inner guidance on how to move forward - I will get you the guidance you need to take the next essential step.

Who will benefit from this session?

It’s All About

Achieving Clarity

What People Say...

“My private session opened me up to receiving the authentic information and guidance from my guides I was looking for. I now have a much better understanding of my purpose. I don't know the whole story, but am deeply enjoying the wonder of each step as it unfolds!

From the depths of my heart, I sincerely thank you for your kindness and help with removing the block and opening me up fully to the love and guidance of my guides! Much Love and Light to you!”

“Thank you so much for my session. It was absolutely perfect

and touched my heart deeply - it was even better than I could have dreamed possible.  I am so grateful and I am excited to move forward in the next phase of my life. Thank you for being such a powerful and inspirational presence in my life! I really can't begin to thank you enough for what you've taught me- it's priceless!


“I can’t begin to tell you how much this session has done for me already.

Big shifts going on. I believe this was the perfect experience for what I needed. You have literally changed my life and I am forever grateful.”


“The last few months since my session, my life has taken on

a deeper richness due to the breadth and depth of the advice and guidance I am now receiving. Along with the wondrous moments have also been tougher challenges. I'm discovering magic unfolds when traversing through a deeply trying situation while staying connected to the love and guidance and Light of my guides. Magic also unfolds when blissfully trusting my journey without any expectations.


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